Upcoming Schedule
- Yep Rewind25 March
- Luke Bower27 March
- Tell Me Lies - The Fleetwood Mac Experience28 March
- Josh Baldwin3 April
- John Splithoff4 April
- Your Neighbors5 April
- Tyler Rich10 April
- Skydxddy11 April
- Never Easy12 April
- Youth Lagoon18 April
- The Ivy19 April
- Project Pat20 April
- Fancy Hagood23 April
- Revered Peyton's Big Damn Band25 April
- 80s & 90s Rock Rewind26 April
- J.R. Carroll30 April
- Mat Hansen1 May
- Sawyer Hill2 May
- Lost Hearts3 May
- Sara Kays6 May
- Giovannie and The Hired Guns9 May
- DRAM16 May
- Harm's Way, Full of Hell21 May
- Mini Kiss24 May
- Cosmic Supreme tour ft. John Mark McMillan + Citizens31 May
- Lauren Sanderson17 June
- Madds Buckley27 June
- The New Respects28 June
- Yep Rewind26 August
- DJ Swiftie - Taylor Party5 September
EXIT/IN on Nashville’s Elliston Place is one of America’s great small music venues. Since 1971, crowds have packed in year round 5+ days a week and helped build a tradition of crowd surfing and debauchery that the EXIT/IN stakes its name to. Inside, theres a hypnotizing wall which from floor to ceiling displays the names of artists and bands that have played here over the years. This list hosts names like Jimmy Buffett, the Red Hot Chili Peppers, Etta James, Johnny Cash, Steve Martin, The Smiths and on and on.
Neighborhood Spotlight:

West End
The West End neighborhood of Nashville stretches from downtown all the way to Belle Meade west of Nashville. It's highlighted by Centennial Park, Nashville’s premier urban park, as well as Vanderbilt Universities main Nashville campus.
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None. EXIT/IN is a true Nashville original.